Kamis, 06 November 2008

Motorcyclist is the most reckless road user

my brain often thinks so.

so does myself.

fyi, i got this from internet, which tells, population of motorcycles in Jakarta is over 5 millions users. whereas Jakarta was dedicated for "only" 1 million motorcycles.

where the number grows 1035 users EVERYDAY.

seeing how much they are on road makes me wanna crash 'em right through their endplate, no matter would they be killed or not, i'd love to do it.

they are undisciplined. the most reckless road users. obeying rules is their motto. fcuk.

for examples, this is how motorcycles take our right as student of 28 senior high school to play badminton. the court is used as a parking lot for them. wtf?

and yeah, some of the motorcyclists are still underage, which means they fake their identities to make stupid C class of Driving License. which means they're still unable to control their drivng behaviour.

i've heard their conversation while they're admiring one of the type.

"wesss pasti kenceng banget nih, gue aja biasa pake motor gue 80, gimana gue pake ini? pasti mantep deh!"

see, their heads always think about speed. they think they're Valentino Rossi in Jakarta. ah, i think almost everymotorcyclist adore him. then how about their safety? go away. they find themselves are cat, which has 9 lives.

when i made a conversation with Prayudi, saying me fed up with its growth, but either way he insisted that car made the traffic jams and later he said if every Jakartan uses car, "his beloved city" would be so full. (he's a motorcyclist and he was born as Betawinese).

.... well in fact, i didn't even speak about it. i didn't say any word towards his "unlinked" words.
how shallow is his mind. blaming something where he's being the wrong one.

and i think motorcyclists are people who are individualists. i don't talk about car users here, but, with space around 2 x 1 meter when stop, and 4 x 2 meters when they go, they use it for themselves. also going fast and ignorant to pedestrian who wanna cross the road.

if, they still wanna share with someone else, it would be ONLY SOMEONE ELSE due to regulations which limit the passenger by two. but unfortunately, it happened rarely in the morning. what we saw is 1 person by 1 motorcycle.

you gotta admit it, Jakarta would be a mess for the next, umm... let's see.. 5 years later or less. and i believe it's all caused by motorcycles.

honestly, my brains still wanna share how hateful they are, but i'm too tired typing.

if you dare to discuss with me, especially when you are a motorcyclist, go ahead, fill this form below and put your comments.
i'd be glad to reply it :)


4 komentar:

Mayang Rizky mengatakan...

I envy your blog too, Swin. You are doing great. I am glad to know that my elementary friend has a critical thinking. It can be claimed that we are living in the intellectual era now. Keep writing. And this is the view of today’s reality by me and based on your post. The question is how it could be happened and what we should have to do to get it cleared. Your supervision shows that the demand of its product is really high, and I bet you know why, there are some factors. As we know, people fulfill their needs in a practical way. They prefer to get easy of doing something. It is same as like the way to mobilize their activities. They prefer to ride a motorcycle than a car because there are many reasons. (In their opinions) it is more efficient, motorcycle’s gasoline is cheaper, faster, do not have to face traffic jam somehow they can get into a pathway, or any kind reasons that really shows about practical living. Not only a motorcycle with one person, but also I became flustered when I see a car with one person within. If I were him/her, I prefer to use a public transportation rather than that. Do they think that riding alone is more expensive? It is not about mathematical, but the efficiency. One of many solutions is using a public transportation as a habit. But ironically, people dislike to use it because its facilitation & the safety, we knows that its facilitation still in a bad condition. Nobody wants to be looked sweaty when they arrive in the destination, right.

Aswino mengatakan...

yes i knew it had some advantages which i couldn't deny.
but their advantages sometimes born new problems on street.

eg in the morning when people start their life, esp using their motorcycle, sighs. it's too much. it really is.

me prefers to see car traffics, than motorcycle traffics. KETIDAKDDISIPLINAN-nya itu loh. like they own the street. they use everthing they feel they can use. even it's against the rules.

and i didn't talk about one person in one car, because i concerned about orang2 yg ekonominya menengah ke bawah which they forced themselves to buy a motorcycle when they already fullfilled their transportation demand with public transportation.
*related with humand being always wants more and more*

from my point of view, i see they'll spend more money when they use motorcycle.
1. cicilan sepeda motor
2. uang bensin
3. service
4. perlengkapan (jaket, helm)
5. many more.

why oh why? if they thought in a short term, i would be no big differences. but in a long term, they'd see they waste money rather using public transportation.

*****p.s to Fauzi Bowo :
a year had been passed. where are you? what have you been doing to our lovely city, Jakarta? where the hell are your promises when you compete to be elected as a Governor?

For God's sake, WE NEED CHANGE! (haha niru2 Obama sedikit deh) especially in public transportations dan ruang hijau Jakarta!!*****

Anonim mengatakan...

aih aih...my students still speaking english outside the classroom....I'm touched.

hehehe this is your social project report!!! you really take it to your heart

aswinoyangmaleslogin mengatakan...

hahaha si emiss dah, those are just my thoughts translated into my guilty pleasure aja kok :)